Association of the Mediterranean Chambers of Commerce

Investor Detail

The Association of the Mediterranean Chambers of Commerce and Industry (ASCAME) is a non-profit international organisation that represents the private sector of the Mediterranean, regrouping the Chambers of Commerce and Industry and similar entities from 23 countries of both shores of the region.

ASCAME gathers more than 300 Chambers of Commerce and Industry and defends the interests of millions of businesses across the Mediterranean region.

ASCAME is today considered the most important representative of the Mediterranean private sector.


ASCAME’s main objective is to promote the economic integration of the Mediterranean and the Euro-Mediterranean partnership, through the key role of the private sector.
ASCAME serves as a unique instrument for the socio-economic development of the region through:

1. Close collaboration with the most important organisations and international institutions of the Mediterranean region.
2. The promotion of regional and international economic activities.
3. The involvement in Euro-Mediterranean cooperation projects.


Nowadays, more than 35 years after its creation, this strategic vision has been strongly reinforced. Through ASCAME, the private sector is positioned in the regional political agenda to catalyst solutions that answer accordingly to the changing socioeconomic scenarios in the region.

ASCAME is a key actor in the Mediterranean region which, through its innovative vision of regional economic integration, offers solutions to key issues through the private sector.